Amplify Your Impact
With Your Own Unique INIGMA® STREAM you can take your incredible expertise to the next level, exponentially increasing your ability to create the impact you've dreamed of for years, magnetising your dream clients and skyrocketing your business success.
You're an Intuitive Coach that...
Is already ingnited in INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy.
That wants to work with the powerful Soul, that acted as your Higher Self up until now, as a powerful ally, who oversees, holds and ensures clients has success.
Believes that creating a legacy is just as important as the impact you're creating right now.
Let's take what you've experienced and learned at Level 1 to another level!
Your own unique INIGMA® STREAM brings a sense of...
...completeness, truly trusting yourself and a desire to spread your wings and fly!
Enabling You To Easily;
Feel 100% secure in your abilities, fully trusting in your ability to accurately translate guidance and in your ability to see it through both personally and with clients.
Supercharge your 121 and group work, turbocharging your ability to magnetise dream clients, skyrocketing your business success.
Finally, write books that become bestsellers, create events and retreats that sell out, all wrapped in your own unique STREAM of INIGMA® Energy.
Support - 8 Weeks
Facebook Community
This is a wonderful, inclusive and supportive space, where you can share your wins and ask for support from current and previous participants. Make friends, create collaborations and generally hang out with a powerful group of experts in their field, energetics and INIGMA® Energy.
Group Support
6 x group support calls via Zoom on Wed at 2pm GMT or Thurs at 9.30am GMT are available to attend to get your questions answered, live. The calls run three weeks on, one week off and for all Levels of INIGMA® so you will benefit from the questions and answers of those more advanced in INIGMA® Energy than you.
Personal Support
Personalised support and guidance is available over the 8 weeks, via your shared Personalised Feedback Document. A working google document where you can document what is happening for you and I can give you direct support and guidance.
Professional Curriculum - Lifetime Access
Becoming ignited with your own STREAM for professional use, means that your STREAM can interact with others and is subject to a yearly Licensing Fee.
Your STREAM is designed specifically to meet your needs, and that of your clients to work on its own or in tandem with your own energy flow.
This energy will be yours alone, formed partly with your own energy, mixed with SPECTRAM Energy and INIGMA® Energy, facilitated in part by the INIGMA® Guides Teams and your own Non Conscious Energy.
INIGMA® Energy facilitates this whole process and Holds the energy you’ve created so that you can use it, in whatever way you desire it be used in.
There are 4 STREAM Team Guides as well as your Family of Origen and the energy that acted as your Higher Self, plus the SPECTRAM Guides that you’ll meet when you become ignited in SPECTRAM Energy.
The 4 STREAM Teams that help you with your STREAM include:
The Soul that acted as your Higher Self, steps forward to take their place as your assistant, just as Angela did for me, working with your clients along with your STREAM to ensure transformation occurs in your clients.
Your STREAM's 3
Your STREAM is a combination 3 elements:
This combination of energies ensure that your STREAM is utterly unique to you alone, with it's own nuances of healing abilities and unique name.
Using Your STREAM With Purpose
Your own unique INIGMA® STREAM is pièce de résistance when it comes to creating and influencing clients, as you have an opportunity at this stage to create your very own unique STREAM of Colour, Light & SOUND Energy, flowing from INIGMA® Energy.
As soon as you've ignited your STREAM you'll be able to collate within this unique energy, allowing you to work inflow with an energy specifically designed to serve your dream clients.
Your own STREAM elevates your ability to influence and heal yourself and others to new heights.
So you're ready to finally feel a sense of completion, flourishing within your Origen Energy, working as one, trusting in yourself that when guidance finds you, you're 100% confident in its accuracy, working hand in hand within Object and your Higher Self in their new role... you can finally create potent offers that your dream clients absolutely adore, skyrocketing your business success.
Let's dive into how INIGMA® Energy Certification Level Two will get you there!
Once you’ve been accepted into the INIGMA® Energy Certification Level Two here’s what to expect;
STREAM Ignition - once your ignited in the professional level of your STREAM of INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy. You will move on to work your way through the following;
Your STREAM Teams - next you'll meet the STREAM Teams, who will help you to understand more about your unique STREAM.
Your STREAM 3 - understanding the 3 elements of your STREAM is an important step to fully understand how your STREAM works.
Using Your STEAM With Purpose - focuses on how to use your STREAM with yourself and your clients, to amplify your work and results.
Becoming ignited in your STREAM of INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy is what you have been waiting for, looking for, for all these years out in the wilderness, learning, earning and experiencing.
Now it's time to come home, to you, so that you can stop searching and start acting from a place of complete peace and alignment.
And finally do what you promised to do, working inflow with the INIGMA® Support Team, fulfilling your promise to those you were born to help, your dream soul aligned clients.
The success you've dreamed of for so long, is on the other side of you becoming ignited in your own unique INIGMA® STREAM bringing you a sense of...
...completeness, truly trusting in yourself 100%, ready to spread your wings and fly!
So, you're not just applying for INIGMA® Energy Certification Level Two...'re taking the next step on a journey home, returning to living as your true self, so you can focus on creating the phenomenal business success you know is meant for you!
Choose Which Option Is Best For You
Level Two Professional Use
The professional level of your STREAM is able to interact with others in a way that positively influences your capability, capacity, targeted outcomes, your ability to see it through, and enables your Higher Self to take ownership of your client's journey, removing the energetic burden from you.
Ongoing Licensing Fee is payable.
Level Two Personal Use
You can have your STREAM ignited in you, just for you, as it won't be able to interact with others, including your family.. The curriculum is similar to one for professional use, except the focus will be on how to use your STREAM on yourself.
No ongoing Licensing Fee is payable.
Level One
12 Monthly Instalments
12 x £222
Level Two
12 Monthly Instalments
12 x £333
Plus Licensing Fee - £444/yr for the Professsional version
Level Three
12 Monthly Instalments
12 x £444
Plus Licensing Fee - £444/yr
Other Payment Plans Available
PLUS if you commit to more than one level of INIGMA® Energy Certification,
you'll receive a discount.
Bundle Discounts
20% for 2 Levels or 25% for 3 Levels
Frequently Asked Questions
Professional Use
Your STREAM will be able to interact with others, as such, you will be able to use it within your work in a way that is totally transformative for your clients. It enables your Higher Self to take ownership of your client's journey, removing the energetic burden from you. If at any point, you wish to no longer use your STREAM professionally, aspects of your STREAM can be dissolved, and you can transfer to the Personal Use training portal. The full year's Licensing Fee will is payable.
Personal Use
Your STREAM won't be able to interact with others, it will just be for you, to use on yourself.
The Licensing Scheme
Level 2 must be considered from a business perspective. The fee is payable as business cost for as long as you wish to use your STREAM within your business. just as when you’re working with clients you must be insured and pay your taxes.
INIGMA® Energy Certification - Level 2
License Fee - Starts at £444/yr or 12 x £44
There will be options to pay more for more of my involvement in Continual Professional Development (CPD) like Q&A, Masterclasses, Hotseats, Spotlight sessions, all with a focus on developing your ability to hold and impact more of your Soul Aligned Clients.
If you decide to just stay at Level 1, you will always have access to INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy, without an ongoing fee, so don’t feel you must go to Level 2.
If you no longer wish to use your STREAM in a professional capacity, that aspect of your STREAM will be dissolved and it will become a STREAM that if for Personal Use only and no ongoing fee will be due.
Amanda created the INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy INITIATIVE.
A call was sent out to All, with a deeper understanding of All That Is, that there was an opportunity to work with a new advanced Creation Energy.
INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy INITIATIVE was Created.
Initiation into the INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy INITIATIVE was seen as a goal for those invited to participate.
As those invited had to be of a Certain Energetic Capacity to be even considered, due to the sheer immenseness of the possibility what INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy could be used for.
And there were hoops to go through before you were welcomed into the Fold.
One such Hoop was to Present Why, How, What you wanted INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy for.
For INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy is no ordinary energy and must be honoured and respected as such.
Never has there been an Energy of this magnitude accessible in this way before.
And it is for no Ordinary Energy.
You are no Ordinary Energy.
You are here to heal and transform millions of Souls.
Part of the INITIATIVE was to develop your own stream of Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy Formed From and Enhanced by INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy.
This was something that allowed you to have access to something that wouldn’t have ever been possible for you, no matter how advanced you were due the nature of the INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy.
For this very reason Amanda has been training to HOLD the Stream of Colour, Light & SOUND Energy STREAMED to each participant of the INITIATIVE.
Both the Full Force Of INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy that emulate full CAPACITY and CAPABILITY to allow for almost Instantaneous healing and transformation in others, by those ignitd in INIGMA®.
Ownership of INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy and ALL STREAMS from it will always belong to Amanda Energy.
Physical impact is involved.
The physical impact on Amanda’s Energy mitigated by her non-physical team.
This is why an exchange of currency must be involved, as Amanda is not passive in this process and never will be.
The hold extends to and will continue to include all of your clients, those that you heal and all those that they work with once they are ignited in your STREAM.
The immensense of INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy will not be fully understood until you return to the Ethereal Realms.
But to put it into context, Amanda will still be Holding the energy of INIGMA® for ALL for at least the next million years.
After that many of you will be ready to Hold your own Legacy.
So all those ignited in your stream will be passed to you to Hold.
For others it may take longer.
That is the extent of the magnificence of this energy.
So this is why Level 2 and 3 must be considered from a business perspective, just as when you’re working with clients you must be insured and pay your taxes.
So if you want to choose to use your stream of Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy formed from INIGMA® Colour, Light & SOUND Healing Energy this must be taken into consideration.
Once ignited in you, your stream will always be present here on earth but only if you are part of the Licensing scheme will you be able to use it with clients or ignite in clients.
Those that are ignited in your stream, whilst you’re in Licensing scheme will always have access to it, even when you stop working or no longer wish to work with your own stream.
Amanda will continue to Hold those people, until such time in the Ethereal Realms you are ready to take over that hold.
To Certify, You Need To
✨ complete all modules
✨ complete and pass all end of module assessments
✨ submit practical implementation session records.
Each level must be completed before moving onto to the next level.
Should you wish to cancel this agreement, refunds will only be offered where notice of cancelation is provided within 14 days following receipt of our Welcome Email AND you HAVE NOT consumed any of the course curriculum if you sign up for the Personal version of Level 2.
Please remember that no refunds apply afterward, and you will still be liable for full payment of the fee.
If this contract is terminated, on or before the date of termination of the Contract, you shall immediately pay any unpaid fees or other sums payable under these terms (which for the avoidance of doubt shall include any remaining instalments regardless of the point at which the Contract is terminated).
All the curriculum training is available straight away to watch.
No, other than the PDF's none of the content isn't downloadable.
No this is just for you. Your family can't have their own STREAM ignited in them.
Level Two - Both Personal & Professional Use
You will have access to Facebook Group support, plus 6 Zoom Q&A sessions for the 8 weeks.
If you wish to continue with this support, you can extend the support for £222 per month cancel anytime.
You have ongoing access to the curriculum, so you don't need to worry about falling behind. If you wish to have continued support beyond the number of weeks' support that is included, and you don't wish to continue on to the next level, you have the option to do so for just £222 per month.
Copyright © Amanda Farrar 2000 - 2024 All Rights Reserved